
Title: Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention
Published by: Munn Avenue Press
Release Date: December 8, 2022
Pages: 326
ISBN13: 979-8986168067
Buy the Book: Amazon


Once a mother and her pre-teen son discover they’re both clinically incapable of paying attention, how will they stop bickering and move forward together?

When Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Katherine Ellison and her twelve-year-old son, Buzz, were both diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, they realized they had more than just an uphill battle ahead—they were facing a cliff.

Ellison, inquisitive and driven by nature (even while grappling with the storm of ping-pong balls in her head), hunts down every possible approach to supporting a child with ADHD, from neurofeedback to nutritional supplements

BUZZ will not only make you laugh out loud but also provides insights on every page for parents seeking answers for how to provide the best help for their particular child.

Read BUZZ today to find out!


“A story of love and persistence… Buzz will teach. charm, and bolster you.”
Edward Hallowell, MD, author of Driven to Destruction

“Long after reading this smart and tender memoir, I am still rooting for Buzz.”
Kelly Corrigan, author of The Middle Place and Lift

"Riveting, beautifully written and totally credible."
Huffington Post

"Ellison is wickedly funny, and her writing is irreverent, mordant, and always compelling."
Literary Mama

" insightful, fast-paced, unexpectedly funny read."
PEOPLE Magazine, in a four-star review

Self Magazine